Donate to SHAC Today
Donations enable SHAC to provide essential supports and services to over 2,000 families and individuals every year.
Through the generous support of corporate sponsorship, collaborative community partnerships and personal donations, we are able to provide practical assistance to those most in need. All financial donations over $2 are tax deductible and are greatly appreciated. SHAC is an Australian Registered Charity with the Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) and ACNC status
To discuss personalised corporate donation opportunities, please contact us on 07 4080 7400 or
Donations are accepted in the form of:
One-off or recurring debit/credit card here.
Electronic funds transfer:
BSB: 633 000
Account Number: 125 893 602
Account Name: Shelter Housing Action Cairns Association Inc Donation/Gifts Account
SHAC also accept donations of brand new household items to help meet the practical needs of local families, including:
Kitchen items: plates, bowls, cutlery, kettle, pans, utensils, mugs, etc.
Electric frypans
Cleaning products: mop, bucket, dustpan, broom, multi-purpose spray, bathroom and toilet cleaner, antibacterial wipes, cleaning cloths and sponges, floor cleaner, laundry detergent, dishwashing liquid, toilet brush, etc.
Nappies and baby wipes
Hygiene packs: shampoo, conditioner, soap, body wash, toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, deodorant, face wash, moisturiser, hand soap, hair ties, bobby pins, tissues, feminine hygiene products, etc.
School supplies