SHAC is an established not-for-profit organisation within the Cairns region, dedicated to eliminating homelessness, and helping families on their path to a secure future. We deliver a range of housing, support and microfinance services to the community.
Our Vision
To eliminate homelessness.
Our Mission
To support people on their path to a secure future.
Our Values
Respect | Advocacy | Diversity | Human Rights | Transparency | Environmental Stewardship
Our Action
Supporting people to sustain tenancies | Providing temporary supported accommodation to people who are homeless | Supporting people to address the issues that contribute to their homelessness | Supporting people to develop increased financial capability | Speaking out about homelessness and inequality and seeking improved responses
SHAC building purchase, 2009
SHAC History
Shelter Housing Action Cairns (well known as SHAC) is a not-for-profit organisation located in tropical Cairns, Far North Queensland. In November 1987, SHAC was established after a need was identified during the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless. In May 1988, SHAC commenced providing accommodation and tenancy assistance to the Cairns community for families who were homeless or at risk of homelessness. For over thirty years, SHAC has grown and developed to respond to the needs of families in Cairns, shaping service delivery to what it is today. Embedded in this legacy is a recognition that poverty and financial exclusion are causal factors in families and individuals experiencing housing stress and subsequently becoming at risk of homelessness. SHAC therefore aims to deliver programs that are responsive to alleviating financial barriers and build financial resilience in the early (crisis) intervention and prevention of homelessness.
SHAC office building, 2022
SHAC Services
SHAC is committed to providing free and confidential services and supports to families and individuals through:
Accommodation: emergency motel accommodation, temporary supported accommodation, long term community housing and transitional housing tenancies.
Housing and Family Support: intensive case management for families experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness.
My Money Program: financial counselling and support to address identified financial problems and manage financial situations more effectively framed within a housing context of increasing access to, and sustaining, tenancies.
No Interest Loans (NILs): fair, safe and affordable credit to purchase essential goods and services; NILs is free from fees, charges, and interest, up to $200, and is paid back over a period of up to twenty four months.
Brokerage and Emergency Relief: Depending on funding availability through Queensland Government, corporate and community donations, and local MOUs, SHAC offers a variety of financial brokerage and emergency relief options.
SHAC Funding
SHAC is primarily funded through the Queensland Government and Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand, and is further supported through our generous community and corporate partners, who contribute throughout the year to our services and clients.
SHAC, by Melanie Hava, 2016
SHAC’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
With the guidance, direction and endorsement of Reconciliation Australia, SHAC has commenced inaugural Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). In formalising our commitment to reconciliation, we hope our RAP will assist us to build on our current relationships with First Nations people, build trust in our community, lessen prejudice and increase pride of Aboriginal and Torres Strait cultures. Ultimately, we want to contribute to efforts to achieve economic equity and support self-determination among First Nations people. This Reflect RAP will lay the foundations, priming SHAC for future RAPs and reconciliation initiatives.
Click here to read our RAP: SHAC REFLECT RECONCILIATION ACTION PLAN August 2023 – January 2025
Yarrabah, by Melanie Hava, 2016
Governance and Annual Reports
As an Incorporated Association, our volunteer Board of Management generously give their time, skills and expertise to oversee SHAC’s service operations and strategic direction. SHAC is an Australian Registered Charity with the ACNC & DGR status.
Strategic Direction 2023 - 2026
SHAC’s Strategic Plan is reflective of the important day-to-day core business of SHAC, with healthy growth targets and due consideration to the sustainability and growth of the organisation.
Develop and deliver a range of services that build financial capability for financially vulnerable people.
Develop and deliver an (expanded) range of support services to support people on their path to a secure future.
Increase access to transitional/crisis housing for people unable to access housing alternatives.
Influence government, industry, business and community to improve awareness of and encourage local responses to homelessness and housing need.
Position SHAC for sustainability and growth.